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Accidents while working at height remains the second most prevalent cause of injury-related deaths in construction with Fall-from-Height (FFH) being the major cause of fatalities amongst all work-at-height incidents.
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What are the common causes of accidents while working at height?

With AI video analytics work-at-height injury reduction happens proactively with instant alerts on detecting even the minutest of near misses before it turns into accidents
Savings in manual inspection
Reduction in fatal slips and trips
Reduction in almost fall/slip incidences (near misses)
Areas of Application of
Work at Height Safety Solution
Slips, Trips, and Almost Falls Detection
The powerful video analytics system detects even the near misses incidents (like worker tripped and almost fell but managed to regain balance) to mitigate smallest of FFH accidents

Safer Forklift Operations
The scenario based AI autonomously detects safety non-compliance while working on platforms, say improper PPE, workers’ smoking behavior, workers’ risky acts like climbing on the fencing of the platform and the like.

Monitoring Tilting Motion of Gondola

viTAG mounted on operational Gondolas detects tilting motion of the platform to prevent falls due to platform imbalance.

Worker’s Improper Means of Climbing Detection
Instant alerts are generated on instances of workers using improper means to reach heights such as forklifts or excavators to avoid accidents.
Life Safety Ropes & PPE Detection
The AI powered system instantaneously alerts on-site and remote stakeholders on worker’s not/improperly using safety ropes and PPEs while working at height to take necessary action beforehand
Missing Barricades Detection/Open Edge Detection

The AI navigation system detects missing barricades or open edge at high-rise platforms and alerts stakeholders so that insightful actions can be taken to prevent any FFH instances.
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