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Generative AI Solutions to Reduce Total Recordable Incident Rate

Total Recordable Incident Rate, Reducing TRIR with Gen AI
Generative AI Solutions to Reduce Total Recordable Incident Rate

In today’s rapidly evolving industrial landscape, ensuring workplace safety has become more critical—and more complex—than ever.


Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) is a metric generated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) which enables every company across sectors to measure their safety performance levels. TRIR utilizes 100 full-time workers annually to evaluate the frequency of incidents at a worksite.


Looking back in time, it was with the establishment of OSHA in 1971 that key milestones in workplace safety were formulated. From developing the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) in 1983 to building the Confined Spaces Standard in 1993, these developments made an increase in workplace safety significant.


It was during these transformative landscapes in workplace safety that the Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) was formulated.


Let’s understand some basic facts about the Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR).

How is TRIR calculated?

The calculation as suggested by OSHA includes consideration of full-time workers fulfilling 40 hours a week and working 50 weeks per year. The formula to arrive at the final score is –


TRIR = Number of Incidents x 200,000 / total number of hours worked in a year


The use of 2,00,000 as a benchmark by OSHA represents the approximate number of working hours for 100 employees in a year following the considered definition for being a full-time worker.

What does a low TRIR score mean?

The attempt of every EHS safety team must be to maintain a low TRIR score to ensure a high level of safety at workplaces. A low TRIR score indicates the following –


  • Less number of work accidents

  • A safe work environment

  • Higher EHS compliance

  • Increased productivity

  • Increased level of employee motivation


How to maintain a low TRIR score for workplace safety in the long term?

One challenge that constantly revolves around EHS teams is to maintain a low TRIR score year after year. In the age of using technology for safer workplaces, this concern can be minimized through the implementation of AI for workplace safety.


AI-powered EHS software solutions are the modern-day answer to maintaining a low score on the Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR).


For example, consider the operating factory floor of a large automotive manufacturing company. Its workers are constantly exposed to hazardous conditions, including heavy machinery, high temperatures in metal fabrication, chemical exposure in paint shops, and frequent handling of sharp tools.


The use of video analytics for TRIR can monitor the floor in real-time, detecting unsafe behaviors like workers entering restricted zones improper handling of tools and machinery, or not wearing proper PPE (e.g., gloves or safety glasses). This substantially reduces the chances of accidents and increases the safety levels.


In the present times, the application of Generative AI for TRIR has seen much success. It is the advanced algorithms and ability to process vast amounts of data based on LLMs that this addition to AI-powered EHS software solutions has made a difference in workplace safety.

Generative AI solutions for Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)

Imagine a construction site where AI generates realistic simulations of common accidents like scaffolding falls or equipment malfunctions. Or a warehouse where custom training modules generated by AI address their specific safety behavior issues based on the activity they are engaged in for the day.


While in traditional settings, these scenarios would have demanded hours of planning from the EHS teams with LLM-based Generative AI solutions for workplace safety, it is just a matter of seconds.


Here are the top uses of Generative AI for TRIR can ensure the best use of AI for workplace safety-

1. Automated Incident Reporting & Root Cause Analysis

Generative AI can streamline incident reporting by automatically generating detailed reports when an accident or near-miss occurs. It pulls data from video analytics, cameras, and sensors, filling in critical information such as time, location, and cause.


It can be found through a centralized management platform which ensures transparency for the safety teams across data. It reduces human error in reporting and ensures that incidents are recorded accurately and promptly.

2. Tackling EHS Hazards in Real Time

AI-powered EHS software solutions using Generative AI for safety enable real-time monitoring of the environment. It can detect hazards like equipment malfunctions, unsafe worker behavior, or the presence of hazardous materials.


By analyzing live data from sensors, video cameras, and IoT devices, these systems can predict potential risks and send instant alerts to employees and supervisors. This proactive approach not only mitigates risks before they escalate but also ensures quick incident response, improving overall workplace safety and reducing incidents like slips, falls, and equipment-related injuries.

3. Predictive Risk Assessments

Generative AI uses historical safety data to predict future incidents by identifying patterns and suggesting preventive actions. The AI generates detailed safety forecasts and assigns risk levels to various activities, empowering safety teams to take preemptive action.


Let’s say for instance in oil and gas operations, AI detects that the drilling rig maintenance tasks scheduled are prone to extreme weather conditions and have a high likelihood of accidents. It immediately generates an alert to the EHS teams and recommends rescheduling or providing extra safety measures during such tasks, reducing the TRIR by addressing potential risks proactively.

4. Enhanced Safety Training Programs

Generative AI for workplace safety can personalize safety training programs based on individual worker behavior and past incidents. It generates specific training content for each employee, focusing on areas where they need improvement, which can enhance safety compliance and awareness.


Generative AI helps lower TRIR by predicting, preventing, and managing incidents before they escalate into severe accidents. This ensures that workers are better protected, leading to safer operations and a lower rate of recordable incidents.


viAct’s Generative AI solution is equipped with sophisticated tools that ensure EHS compliance monitoring is carried out with precision. Apart from the above provisions, it holds scenario-based surveillance that can contribute towards a lower Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR).

Why is viAct a leading AI-powered EHS Software for achieving a low TRIR?

EHS Software, TRIR, Total Recordable Incident Rate
viAct a leading AI-powered EHS Software for achieving a low TRIR

viAct’s AI-powered EHS monitoring system is a leading workplace safety provider where industry-specific EHS compliance guidelines are built into its modules. The inclusion of Generative AI for safety ensures that these requirements are updated and communicated for higher levels of safety.


Some of the unique AI for workplace safety features ingrained into the EHS monitoring software consists of  -

1. Generative AI-Powered Chatbots

viAct uses a Generative AI chatbot integrated with Large Language Models (LLMs) to provide real-time hazard alerts, ensuring workers and supervisors receive instant notifications about unsafe behavior or conditions. These AI-driven chatbots can interact conversationally and address any concern of a worker when the supervisor or safety team member is not around.


AI utilizes computer vision for TRIR to monitor the workplace 24/7, identifying risks such as improper machine handling or workers entering dangerous zones. This capability is enhanced by Generative AI where the captured visuals are used to generate insights on frequently violated safety protocols and suggest targeted training for specific teams.

2. LLM-Powered Digital Tracking and Incident Reporting

The use of LLMs in viAct’s system allows for the digital tracking of all safety-related incidents and actions. This enables quick data retrieval, automated incident reporting, and root cause analysis, which is essential for reducing TRIR.


After an incident involving a minor injury, generative AI quickly pulls video data, environmental conditions, and worker information to generate a detailed report, reducing time spent on manual data collection and ensuring accuracy with 90% more effectiveness than manual tracking.

Generative AI Solutions, TRIR

Did you know viAct’s Generative AI solution reduces the incident response time from 3 hours to 3 minutes?


3. Generative AI for Digitalized Permit to Work (PTW)

viAct digitalizes the entire Permit-to-work (PTW) process, using Generative AI features to track and manage permits in real-time. This ensures that all safety checks are completed before high-risk tasks begin, and any deviations are immediately flagged.


Through advanced algorithms, the permits required across different industries are covered through the safety solution and processes day-to-day permits within a few seconds.


For example, before a maintenance worker begins repairs on a confined space, viAct’s digital PTW system verifies that all safety protocols are followed, using AI to check that the worker is wearing the correct PPE and is authorized to enter the space.

4. Co-Pilot for Safety Audits and Inspections

viAct’s Generative AI Co-Pilot assists safety officers and EHS teams in conducting audits and inspections by automating checklist generation, hazard identification, and action planning. It simplifies EHS compliance and helps in reducing human errors during inspections.


The safety co-pilot doesn’t just flag visible risks—it actively cross-references data from video analytics for TRIR, sensor inputs, and past incidents to predict potential hazards. It instantly logs the incident and sends actionable recommendations to supervisors.


This not only prevents future risks but also ensures regulatory compliance is maintained throughout the workplace. By reducing the burden of manual data collection and analysis, the LLM-based safety Co-Pilot streamlines the entire safety inspection process, contributing significantly to lowering the Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR).


Integrating AI-powered EHS software into workplace safety protocols offers a game-changing approach to reducing the Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR). By harnessing the capabilities of Generative AI, organizations can move beyond reactive safety measures to adopt proactive, data-driven strategies.


The integration of AI for workplace safety not only helps in significantly lowering TRIR but also encourages a culture of continuous safety improvement.


Wondering how viAct’s AI-powered EHS Software

helps score a low TRIR?


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