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Confined No More: viAct's viMOV Leading the Way towards Confined Space Safety

Confined Space Safety, Confined Space Solution, viMOV
Confined No More: viAct's viMOV Leading the Way towards Confined Space Safety

Confined spaces often poses a set of difficult code of operation due to its restrictive nature. Working in limited spaces poses inherent risks that cannot be entirely avoided, especially in intensive sectors such as construction, oil and gas, mining, and public works. Despite the dangers involved, closed space work is often essential for carrying out critical tasks and operations.


Confined spaces are characterized by limited entry and exit points, restricted airflow, and potential hazards such as toxic gases, engulfment, or structural collapse. These spaces pose significant risks to workers' health and safety, including the potential for asphyxiation, suffocation, or exposure to hazardous substances.


Here is a look into some of the common confined space tasks across sectors and the risks associated with it.

Confined Space Work in Construction

In the construction sector, confined space work is unavoidable during tasks such as tunneling, excavation, and building maintenance. Workers may need to enter closed spaces to install utilities, conduct repairs, or perform inspections. For example, workers may need to enter narrow underground tunnels or crawlspaces to lay pipes or cables. Despite the risks involved, such work is essential for completing construction projects safely and efficiently.

Confined Space Work in Oil & Gas Industry

Similarly, in the oil and gas industry, closed spaces are prevalent on drilling rigs, storage tanks, and pipelines. Workers may need to enter confined areas to conduct maintenance, inspections, or repairs. These spaces can be contaminated with flammable gases or vapors, posing risks of fire or explosion. Despite the inherent dangers, such work is necessary for maintaining oil and gas infrastructure and ensuring the continued supply of energy resources.

Confined Space Work in Mining

In the mining sector, confined spaces are common in underground mines, shafts, and tunnels. Miners may need to enter confined areas to extract minerals, conduct inspections, or repair equipment. These spaces can be unstable and prone to collapse, posing risks of entrapment or injury to workers. Despite the hazards involved, such work is essential for extracting valuable minerals and resources that drive economic growth and development.

Confined Space Work in Public Work

Furthermore, in public works such as sewage maintenance, confined spaces are integral to tasks such as sewer line repairs, maintenance, and cleaning. Workers may need to enter underground sewer systems or manholes to access pipes or remove blockages.


These spaces can contain hazardous gases, pathogens, or suffocating atmospheres, posing risks of drowning or exposure to harmful contaminants. Despite the dangers, such work is critical for maintaining public infrastructure and ensuring the proper functioning of essential services.


While these may seem a part of the daily duties for workers in these sectors, there lies a constant underlying risk of them coming in contact with a hazardous situation. Let’s decode a recent incident that turned fatal while working in a confined space.


On April 2024, during a regular task of carrying out drainage inside a manhole in Sha Tin, Hong Kong, four workers complained about not feeling well. When they were transferred to the hospital, two of the workers were pronounced dead. The reason for death was identified as the inhalation of hazardous gas while working in the confined space.”


This makes the picture quite clear – even in a technologically evolving era, the risk of confined space safety still persists!

What are the inevitable risks of working in a confined space?

Risks of Working in a Confined Space, Confined Space Safety
What are the inevitable risks of working in a confined space?

1. Limited ventilation and poor air quality

This type of spaces often have restricted airflow, leading to poor ventilation and the accumulation of hazardous gases or airborne contaminants. Without adequate ventilation, workers may be exposed to toxic fumes, oxygen-deficient atmospheres, or combustible gases, increasing the risk of asphyxiation, respiratory problems, or fire hazards.

2. Engulfment and entrapment hazards

Spaces such as trenches, pits, or silos pose risks of engulfment or entrapment, where workers may become buried or trapped by materials such as soil, sand, or grain. Sudden collapses or shifting materials can occur, resulting in injuries or fatalities due to crushing, suffocation, or drowning.

3. Physical hazards and restricted mobility

Confined spaces often have tight or confined quarters, limiting workers' mobility and increasing the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Uneven surfaces, debris, or obstacles within the space can further exacerbate these hazards, leading to injuries such as sprains, fractures, or head trauma.

4. Exposure to hazardous substances

Many such spaces contain hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead, chemicals, or biological agents, posing risks of exposure to toxic substances or harmful contaminants. Workers may inhale or come into contact with these substances, leading to acute or chronic health effects, including respiratory problems, skin irritation, or occupational diseases.

5. Communication and emergency response challenges

Communication with workers inside closed spaces can be challenging due to limited access, noise, or interference from machinery. In the event of an emergency, such as a gas leak, collapse, or injury, prompt communication and coordination of rescue efforts become critical. However, the confined nature of the space may hinder emergency response procedures, delaying rescue operations and increasing the risk of further harm to workers.


In case of a monitoring system in such spaces, the role played by communication establishment is very crucial. The difficulty in establishing communication in the right time can lead to fatal situations. Now, the question here is that along with the implementation of AI based modules -

What more do we need to make confined spaces safer?

Well, the answer here is simple – a hassle free device that can lead the way to build communication in confined spaces without being dependent on electricity or internet services.

𝐯𝐢𝐌𝐎𝐕 - World's 1st Mobile AI Safety Monitoring Solution for Confined Space Work

viAct has been successful in recognising this challenging part of working in confined spaces and have designed an innovative solution to mitigate these risks. viMOV can be termed as the world's first mobile AI safety monitoring solution designed specifically for restricted space work.


It represents a groundbreaking advancement in safety technology, offering real-time monitoring, hazard detection, and proactive safety measures tailored for closed space environments. Powered by artificial intelligence (AI), it revolutionizes safety protocols by providing comprehensive monitoring capabilities on a mobile platform, empowering workers and safety professionals with actionable insights to prevent accidents and ensure a safer work environment.


It is also recognized and approved by the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF), Hong Kong. It certifies the role of this product in using innovative technologies to improve the site safety while continuously working towards the improvement of the industry.


The main features of viMOV that makes it independent of any other requirement and marks it as an innovative product in the area of confined space safety include-

  • Highly mobile with its handy design

  • Direct Plug and Play Option

  • An wireless alert system

  • A battery capacity of 50 hours

  • High level of accuracy

The confined space monitoring system provided by viAct is equipped with latest technological aspects such as the inclusion of Generative AI, integration of computer vision with video analytics and use of AIoT makes it highly accurate and effective. The inclusion of viMOV further strengthens the prospects of safety due to its unique features making the solution comprehensive in nature.


Here are 5 reasons why viAct’s confined space monitoring system powered by viMOV is the perfect solution for confined space safety

Confined Space Safety, Confined Space Solution, viMOV
5 reasons why viMOV is the perfect solution for confined space safety

1. Noxious Gas Detection by Gas Meter

  • Gas Meter employs advanced sensors and AI algorithms to detect and monitor the presence of harmful gases within confined spaces.

  • Real-time gas detection alerts enable prompt evacuation and mitigation measures to prevent potential health hazards for workers.

2. Real-time Alert in IoT Wearable for Individual Worker

  • IoT wearables equipped with AI-driven sensors provide real-time alerts to individual workers in the event of hazardous conditions or emergencies.

  • Instant notifications empower workers to take immediate action to ensure their safety and well-being.

3. Live Monitoring of Falls/Slips/Trips/Near Misses

  • AI-powered video analytics continuously monitor worker activities within such spaces to detect and prevent falls, slips, trips, and near misses.

  • Live monitoring capabilities enable supervisors to intervene promptly and implement corrective measures to prevent accidents.

4. PPE Detection & Worker's Counting

  • AI algorithms analyze video feeds to detect whether workers are wearing the required personal protective equipment (PPE) before entering closed spaces.

  • Automated alerts notify supervisors of non-compliance, ensuring that all workers adhere to safety protocols.

  • AI-driven cameras accurately count the number of workers present within such spaces at any given time.

  • Real-time worker counting facilitates efficient evacuation procedures and ensures that all personnel are safely accounted for during emergencies.

5. Seamless Communication

  • viMOV facilitates hassle-free communication within confined spaces by providing real-time alerts and notifications to security officers and other stakeholders via the intuitive dashboard viHUB and IoT wearables.

  • Workers are promptly informed of any hazardous conditions or emergencies, allowing for immediate action to be taken to ensure their safety.

In conclusion, the challenges posed by confined spaces demand innovative solutions to ensure the safety and well-being of workers. With viMOV, establishing hassle-free communication in such environments becomes achievable. By providing real-time alerts and notifications via IoT wearables, empowers workers to stay informed and respond promptly to potential hazards or emergencies.


This not only enhances safety but also fosters greater confidence and efficiency among workers operating in confined spaces. As industries continue to evolve, solutions like viMOV play a crucial role in mitigating risks and creating safer working environments for all.


Interested to learn more about viMOV and its applications?


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