Below will explain how AI affects the construction industry.
Before site
Problem (design)
Do you know how many days exactly the designers and architects need to devote to design a building?
Time is more consuming and numerous workers and money are demanded, especially when checking the architectural statics and whether the building meets the building regulations and requirements.
There are many projects that have been delayed because of the inaccurate planning and clashes with utilities like construction of urban infrastructure.
How AI improve
Help designers and architects to access database of past building plans
Carry out the detection of clashes and allow changing of plans
More efficient to choose the most desirable design
Allow more parameters to be considered
Higher quality and more precise design
Software can learn and further improve from iteration
Reduce the cost
Reduce demand of workers
On construction site
Problem (progress)
One third of the time of delay was spent on transportation and searching for materials, also over 90% of projects are delayed. This delay and over budget of projects often happen in construction which will lead to low productivity.
How AI improve
Detect possible clashes and errors of the construction progress automatically by comparing the digital twin of the building in the Building Information Modeling (BIM) cloud and the actual physical representation
Robots and drones can be used for frequent image recording and 360 degree laser scans in construction sites to track instant progress of the physical building against the plan stored in the BIM cloud
Perform automatic changes in the construction schedule in the BIM cloud due to possible delays
Helps construction workers find tools faster with the use of the image recognition software
Track instant progress in construction site
Adjust the timeline effectively and allow different stage of workers react immediately
Inform all stakeholders instantly and automatically, like manufacturers
Perform troubleshooting at an early stage
Reduce cost of correction in later stage (e.g. materials place in wrong place)
Problem (safety)
Fatal accidents caused by human errors will lead to high compensation cost and delay of projects. Total cost including direct medical cost and indirect cost like replacement of workers will be around 15K to 344K.

The above pie chart shows the different types of construction accidents. From Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 5,333 construction workers died in 2019, which indicates a serious safety issue in construction sites.
How AI improve
Mitigate risks and reduce the number of accidents greatly with 70% more efficient
Alarm staff when it detects improper gears and other possible safety hazards.
Improves both the utilization of tools and productivity,
Use the time of the construction workers and machinery more efficiently
Increase 40% labour productivity
Reduce 10% cost from budget
Improve safety by 24/7 AI function
Reduce 80% of compensation cost
AI has been trained to identify indicators of risk in photos, video and other project data, and even predicting accidents before they happened. For instance, danger zone alert and safety measures detection can be performed by AI to reduce accidents.
Problem (resource)
In construction sites, workers often perform tasks simultaneously while working a machine. This will cause a high rate of errors, lower efficiency and waste of resources.
A lot of time and effort will be taken for facility managers to make decisions, like replace or repair the tools and supply chain decisions, which is costly and easily leads to mistakes. Also, the resources are not allocated and used effectively as it is hard for operators to monitor.
How AI help
Assist operators of heavy and mobile machinery at the construction site. Also, cameras can continuously observe the construction site and check potential clashes with people or objects, thus giving out warning before accidents happen.
Helps collect a huge amount of data effectively and recommend possible action before potential problems happen.
Simplify the use of heavy machinery, assist routine and repetitive tasks
Order replacement parts automatically and predict the maintenance period in order to provide available resource on time and improve production capacity
Reduces the total cost of ownership (including hardware and software acquisition and opportunity cost of training and other productivity losses)
Enables operators to work faster and more precisely for more complicated and value adding tasks
Increase productivity of mobile machinery by 60%
Problem(supply chain)

How AI improve
1. In procurement
Help companies forecast prices for raw materials and time of buying
Analyze data on past price development
Connected to data on inventory
Automate purchase-to pay process by choosing the most suitable sellers based on previous record
Help invoice checking
2. In marketing and sales
Helps company plan advertising budget
Provides personalized recommendations on price, quantity of offer
Help identify potential customers
3.In logistic
Helps further optimize transportation routes after every delivery
Increase efficiency by identifying best transportation routes based on time and cost etc
4. In customer service and after sales
Reduce the workload of staff by answering customer inquiries automatically
Reduce the cost
Increase productivity as workers can target on more complicated works