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A guide for GDPR Compliances in Construction Technology

For a number of applications, the ConTech makes use of the personal data. However, this brings in numerous data privacy concerns among the individuals and stringency in GDPR compliances. viAct thus attempts to draw an overall picture of the concerns related to data privacy in AI based construction technology with special emphasis on GDPR compliances.
Additionally, with few gripping policy proposals on AI and the GDPR; the whitepaper serves as a comprehensive guide for AI and data privacy in construction and beyond!
The whitepaper comprehensively answers the following questions:
What are inherent concepts of privacy associated with Artificial Intelligence?
How is ConTech challenged by data privacy risks?
What are the general GDPR compliances for AI?
What makes viAct’s Scenario-based AI “Responsible AI”?
How viAct’s Construction Management Software houses Responsible AI?
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